Discover the Alexander Technique in Oxfordshire

Imagine learning a set of skills to help you cope with the stress of modern living, lower back pain or joint problems.  Think of the difference it would make to perform everyday tasks better and take control of physical problems which hold you back.

The Alexander Technique (AT) is a gentle, self-help method of learning, which teaches you how to ‘use’ your body correctly.  It involves:

* Coordinating your body and mind
* Replacing bad habits with new skills
* Exploring how to achieve everyday activities with ease
* Preventing pain and discomfort by reducing muscle tension

Yoana Browning is an experienced, qualified Alexander teacher, who gives individual lessons to people of all ages from her studio in Headington, Oxford.

Learn how to rediscover yourself. Speak to Yoana on 01865 762 811. Alternatively, send her an email and she’ll be happy to get back to you.

How you can benefit from the Alexander Technique

Anyone, regardless of age or job, can benefit from Alexander lessons. Through habitual use of your mind and body, you acquire patterns of stress or illnesses over time.

AT teaches you how to be more aware of your body, how to use it efficiently and how to let go of ingrained tensions you may be holding on to.
You can benefit from learning the Alexander Technique if you have:

* Artistic difficulties when performing, singing and acting
* Medical conditions, such as lower back pain, Parkinson’s Disease and Arthritis
* Physical pain, such as headaches, joint stiffness and repetitive strain injuries
* Problems caused by physical activities, such as playing golf or slouching at a computer

As soon as you learn to use your body constructively, any physical activity you do will become easier.

What you can expect from an Alexander lesson with Yoana

Yoana holds Alexander lessons in her peaceful garden studio, in Headington near Oxford. By special arrangement, she can visit your home. Lessons are usually one to one, although Yoana can work with two people or small groups on request.
During a 45-minute lesson, Yoana teaches you to apply Alexander principles to simple, everyday movements. Because lessons are always tailored to your individual needs and body condition, you can be sure your well-being is Yoana’s priority.
As part of the lesson involves you lying on a table in a semi–supine position to allow maximum support for your back, you need to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing.

Yoana uses light touch and verbal instruction, as she gently realigns your body and guides you to rediscover your natural balance.  During a course of lessons, Yoana will teach you to work with your body and be more self-aware.
Many pupils, following an Alexander lesson, experience a wonderful sense of release and freedom. A recent pupil compared the feeling to ‘The room lighting up, as if being flooded with sunlight.’

Who developed the Alexander Technique?

The Alexander Technique itself is named after an Australian actor, Frederick Matheas Alexander, who developed the technique after doctors were unable to cure his own recurring voice problems. Through re-educating the ‘use’ of his own body, he not only restored his voice but improved his overall health.

The Alexander Technique is now an internationally recognised tool for improving performance and alleviating a range of physical problems, such as chronic lower back pain.

Although it is not regarded as a therapy or treatment – but rather a re-education of the ‘use of the self’ – its therapeutic benefits have been endorsed by many medical studies.

Links for further information

STAT: The Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique – the professional body for teachers of the Alexander Technique in the UK

A report of a trial on back pain by the NHS ‘ATEAM’ and the Alexander Technique and explains some of the results:

A ‘Complete Guide to the Alexander Technique’ – a global online resource

A definitive explanation of breathing coordination

“Within a month of attending Yoana’s Alexander Technique classes, a recurrent sore throat which plagued me for 30 years, was gone. I cannot recommend her highly enough.”

Helen J
“My lessons with Yoana Browning combine voice coaching, with the Alexander technique. Through Yoana’s calm, patient teaching, I’ve gained in confidence, feel energised and believe in myself more.”
Vikki L
“Yoana is my first Alexander Technique teacher. She’s kind, friendly, patient and makes the stress of the working day fade away.”
Victoria C
“Working with Yoana Browning has been very important for my artistic and personal development. Her Alexander Technique lessons have given me the chance to ‘open up.’ Performing has taken on a whole new life now.”
Daniel Z

“From my childhood, singing was associated with fear and embarrassment. Under Yoana’s guidance, I’m learning a new kind of confidence. The combination of Alexander Technique work and vocal exercises, has improved my whole outlook on life. “

Jenny S